The Big Bang Theory
Who isn't fond of the even pleasant Dr. Sheldon Cooper? Quoted some of his lines:
Proxima Centauri's the nearest star. The celestial bodies that follow are: Alpha Centauri A, Toli, Barnard's Star, Wolf 359, Lalande 21185, Sirius A, Sirius B, BL Ceti, UV Ceti, Ross 154, Ross 248, Epsilon Eridani, Lac 9352, Ross 128, EZ Aquarii A, EZ Aquarii B, EZ Aquarii C, Procyon A... Those are the stars that are nearest to me, Tra-la-la and fiddle-dee-dee!
He also made a song entitled "The Stars Nearest To Me" as part of a game to be played while walking up and down the stairs, as he often uses commute time to exercise his mind with brain-teasers and intellectual games.
Lyrics "The Stars Nearest to Me"
Enjoy =)
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