Resisting conductivity
What are semi-conductors? People who know a lot about technology, electronics, research, inventions or summing it all; science. Has known what this materials called semiconductors are. We know about metals being good conductors of electricity. We also know about insulators in other hand that does not conduct electricity but resist it. One good insulator is plastics and rubbers, this materials are often used by electricians to shield their body from electrocution. We will know that a material is a good conductor when it has a large conductivity which is usually in siemens per meter or siemens per centimeter. A metal is a good conductor but also a poor insulator.
Why is there a need to know or inform ourselves of this semiconductor material? Since the world is starting to make the world smaller making gadgets very small, the need of materials that conduct less.
The use of semiconductor range from huge electronic appliances to your cellphones and any other things making it very useful. This made the scientific community looked for a way to lesses the cost of production of semiconductors since these materials are very expensive.
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